Development of Electronics
The word of electronics is define as that or electronics word stand for electron-mechanic and the electronics is the field of science and engineering which deals with the motion of electrons under influence of applied electric and magnetic field this is called electronic.
The Institution of radio engineers that mean IRE in the proceedings IRE VOL. 38 in 1950 has defined the term of electronics as that "field of science and engineering, it has deal with electron devices and their utilization. In this term of electron device means the device in which conduction take place by the movement of electrons by vacuum, a gas or a semiconductor.In the Electronics device or electronic the electron device are capable of performing many function like rectification ,amplification , control generation conversion of light into electricity, RECTIFICATION mean conversion of A.C. into
D.C. and amplification mean the conversion Strengthening ofa week signal and control generation mean conversion of D.C. power into A.C. power of any frequency. It is used to be considered an integral part of electrical engineering but due to the tremendous growth during the last few decades, and it has now gained its rightful place.Evolution of modern electronic technology has been based on the fabrication of semiconductors and the consequent development of integrated circuit.and most important that what was the birthday .that mean electronic took birth in 1897 and where after vacuum diode was developed by J.A.Fleming. Major breakthrough in the field of electronics and occurred in 1906 when a vacuum (vacuum mean no air) triode was developed by Lee Dee Forest. Triode could be used for amplification
of electric signal. many other vacuum and gas electron tube for example tetrode , pentode, phantotron, thyratron were developed in succession. most and very most important event in the development of electronic was the invention of transistor in 1948 by the John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and
William Shockley at Bell Laboratory. Transistor and other semiconductor device are advent for example FET, UJT, SCR tunnel diode, zener diode these are advent. It has fully replaced the electron tube except for very high power or very high voltage applications as semiconductor device are compact in size, and it has light in weight, and it has cheaper in cost, and need low operating voltage and small power, operate instantaneously and have longer life of operated with the
permissible limits of temperature.Process of microminiaturisation of the electronic device that mean reduction in the size of electronic devices or electronics component or electronics equipment
to extremely small dimensions led to the invention of integrated circuit that mean IC's in the 1960's. SSI is the early IC technology of referred to as small scale integration. and in other word the SSI stand for small scale integration and future development in IC technology resulted progressively in medium scale integration MSI. in other word MSI stand for medium scale integration.Large scale integration that mean LSI. and VLSI ,that mean VLSI stand for very large scale integration. ULSI stand for
Ultra Large Scale Integration and after this ic , GSI , it stand for giant Scale integration. with the help of these all ic and some other electronics component we have make a electronics device or product or with the help of the the IC we have make many product like computer , AC , TV , Laptop,and microprocessors and communication satellites.We know that the electronics is the most important of our daily life like mobile , computer , laptop etc and almost every morning we get up , the primary sound to touch our ear is either from radio and transistor set or mobile alarm etc, other wise some gurudwada , tample etc. in the former case a voice transmitted by our radios and transistor sets , when we turn them to a particular frequency. in the latter case the public address system employed to amplify the voice of the prisets , it is electrically operated . The latest information reaches us through
daily news paper because of teleprinters and radio photo, both involving electronics. Television , tape recorder, stereos, record player etc. The mean of our re-creation exist due to electronics .voltage stabilisers employed for safe operation of electrical equipment oprate electronically. Emergency tube light, ups that mean uninterruptible power supply and other D.C. inverter. we know that inverter is define as that the conversion of direct current into ac. and ,make use of electronic circuit. Microwave
telecommunication including telex and other carrier system connecting grid sub station are possible only due to electronics. During the last two decade , there has been a tremendous increase in the use of electronics equipment. In the medical field for clinical and research purposes, some of the medical device making use of electronics are ECG. we know that ECG stand for Electro cardio graph and use to find the condition of the heart of the patient, and other equipment is EEG. It is stand for Electro Encephalo Graph, and it is used for recording the electrical activity of the brain. Other is EMG. this is stand for Electro Myo Graph and it is used for determining activity of the muscles, x-ray machine used for taking picture of the internal bones structure and also for treatment of some diseases, electron micro scope used for analyzing blood sample, short wave diathermy device for healing sprain and fractures, ultra sound scanning machine use to diagnose a number of internal ailment such as stones, fibroids etc. In the electronics the computers are employed by the hospital or doctor in surgery and distance diagnosis. In you know what is the best of electronics , the electronics ignition circuit providing better timing of the ignition spark specially at high speed and is now being employed in modern automobiles. Electronics circuit are also employed for measuring gauge and monitoring adn control of engine quality or performance.
You know about airport, what happen in the airport and what is use of electronics in the airport. The ATC is the tottaly controlled by electronically. ATC stand for AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER. and it is through the RADAR. RADAR stand for RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING. The RADAR is use for guard owm country from the enemy aircraft using the employing of airport or RADAR. Radio detection and ranging that mean RADAR is not possible only range , it is also calculate and determine the exact location and velocity of the enemy aircraft. and is also help in direction and anti aircraft guns accurately to shoot down the enemy aircraft. it is guided missile are completely controlled by electronic circuit. In the airport not only radar used single device, many electronics devices are used in the airport and in the aicraft used the electronics component.
In the electronics the five types of element which are divide into 2 type. first is active component and another is passive component. In the active component has two component and passive component have 3 component. The passive component or through the passive component by themselves are not capable of amplifying or processing of an electrical signal but in the electronic circuit these are most important. That mean these component like resistor etc are most important in the electronics signals.
as active component such as transistors can not be use to amplify signal without the aid of the passive component. Finally two types of component, active component and passive component, and type of active component and tree types of passive component.
Types of Component
1:- Active Component
2:- Passive Component
Active Component
The active component is define as that it is used in electronics circuit and active component are classify into two types, first is tube type and another is semiconductor type. In the tube type these are further classify into two categories first is vacuum tube and second is gas tube. In the vacuum tube such as vacuum diode, vacuum triode, vacuum tetrode, vacuum pentode, and in the gas tube such as gas diode and thyratron. Second type of the active component is semiconductor device including junction diode, bipolar junction transistor (BJT), FET that mean field effect transistor, UJT that mean unijuntion transistor, SCR that mean silicon controlled rectifier, tunnel diode, zener diode. Tube device came in existence first but now they have replaced by the semiconductor devices owning to their inherent advantages.
Types of active component
1:- Tube Type
a) Vacuum Tube - Vacuum diode, Vacuum triode, Vacuum tetrode, Vacuum pentode
b) Gas tube - Gas diode and Thyratron.
2:- Semiconductor device
a) Junction diode,
b) Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT),
c) Field Effect Transistor (FET),
d) Unijuntion Transistor (UJT),
e) Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR),
f) Tunnel Diode,
g) Zener Diode
Passive Component
The passive component is define as that it has three types, resistor, capacitor, inductor. These component are split into two type. first is dissipate energy and second is store it, in the latter category is the inductor, which store energy by virtue of a current passing through it and the capacitor , which store energy by the resistor, and is the only last of the tree which dissipate electrical energy.
Type of Passive Component
1:- Resistor
2:- Capacitor
3:- Inductor
Resistor is define as that it is the electronic passive component which are used for appose the current is called resistor. Resistor are truly ubiquitous,
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